Advent 2014 Day 20

Advent Day 20
Psalm 95:6-7
Several years ago, I was privileged to be pastored by one of the most Godly, humble, yet powerful preachers I have ever known. His public prayers from the pulpit or in one-on-one times with me were saturated with a palpable presence of the Holy Spirit. How confident I felt when he bowed his head to pray! How I wished for that gift in my own life! I learned his “secret” from a family member: when he prayed in private, for as long as he was able, he lay prostrate on the floor, face to the ground.

Involving the whole body played a very important part in the Hebrews’ communication with, and adoration of, Yahweh. It was eye-opening and humbling to me to realize in my study of the verses above that what my beloved pastor did in his private time with the Lord was the Hebrew position of nishtachaveh which translates to “let us worship”, the highest act of adoration that acknowledges the supremacy of God.

The Hebrew for “let us bow down”, nichraah, conveys the act of crouching down, awaiting commands from a master. Nibrachah, “let us kneel”, puts us in the position of supplication, a beggar if you will.

These verses remind us that our acts and positions of worship are done because of, and in the presence of, the Holy One, Jehovah, our Creator, our Protector, our Shepherd. Even though some of us are physically unable to literally worship in the Hebrew way, our hearts and, most importantly, our attitudes, can “bow, kneel, and lie prostrate” in adoration and surrender to our Heavenly Father. As we prepare to celebrate the birth of the Messiah during this Advent Season, let us come and hear His voice.

— Maida McMahan

